

Consider using NoCopySpannableFactory when a TextView will be used to display markdown multiple times (for example in a RecyclerView):

// call after inflation and before setting markdown

Do not use autolink XML attribute on your TextView as it will remove all links except autolinked ones. Consider using linkify plugin or commonmark-java autolink extension

List item spacing

If your list items, task list items or paragraphs need special space between them (increasing spacing between them, but keeping the original line height), LastLineSpacingSpan 4.0.0 can be used:

final Markwon markwon = Markwon.builder(context)
        .usePlugin(new AbstractMarkwonPlugin() {
            public void configureSpansFactory(@NonNull MarkwonSpansFactory.Builder builder) {
                // or Paragraph, or TaskListItem
                builder.addFactory(ListItem.class, new SpanFactory() {
                    public Object getSpans(@NonNull MarkwonConfiguration configuration, @NonNull RenderProps props) {
                        return new LastLineSpacingSpan(spacingPx);

Softbreak new-line

If you want to add a new line when a softbreak is used:

final Markwon markwon = Markwon.builder(context)
        .usePlugin(new AbstractMarkwonPlugin() {
            public void configureVisitor(@NonNull MarkwonVisitor.Builder builder) {
                builder.on(SoftLineBreak.class, new MarkwonVisitor.NodeVisitor<SoftLineBreak>() {
                    public void visit(@NonNull MarkwonVisitor visitor, @NonNull SoftLineBreak softLineBreak) {

Custom typeface

When using a custom typeface on a TextView you might find that bold and italic nodes are displayed incorrectly. Consider registering own SpanFactories for StrongEmphasis and Emphasis nodes:

final Markwon markwon = Markwon.builder(context)
        .usePlugin(new AbstractMarkwonPlugin() {
            public void configureSpansFactory(@NonNull MarkwonSpansFactory.Builder builder) {
                        .setFactory(StrongEmphasis.class, new SpanFactory() {
                            public Object getSpans(@NonNull MarkwonConfiguration configuration, @NonNull RenderProps props) {
                                return new StyleSpan(Typeface.BOLD);
                        .setFactory(Emphasis.class, new SpanFactory() {
                            public Object getSpans(@NonNull MarkwonConfiguration configuration, @NonNull RenderProps props) {
                                return new StyleSpan(Typeface.ITALIC);

Please check that StyleSpan works for you. If it doesn't consider using CustomTypefaceSpan with your typeface directly.

Last Updated: 6/26/2019, 1:49:35 PM