
MarkwonConfiguration class holds common Markwon functionality. These are configurable properties:

  • AsyncDrawableLoader (back here since 4.0.0)
  • SyntaxHighlight
  • LinkResolver (since 4.0.0, before — LinkSpan.Resolver)
  • ImageDestinationProcessor (since 4.4.0, before — UrlProcessor)
  • ImageSizeResolver


Additionally MarkwonConfiguration holds:

  • MarkwonTheme
  • MarkwonSpansFactory

Please note that these values can be retrieved from MarkwonConfiguration instance, but their configuration must be done by a Plugin by overriding one of the methods:

  • Plugin#configureTheme
  • Plugin#configureSpansFactory


Allows loading and displaying of images in markdown. Please note that if one is not specified directly (or via plugin) no images will be displayed.

final Markwon markwon = Markwon.builder(context)
        .usePlugin(new AbstractMarkwonPlugin() {
            public void configureConfiguration(@NonNull MarkwonConfiguration.Builder builder) {

Currently Markwon provides 4 implementations for loading images:


final Markwon markwon = Markwon.builder(this)
        .usePlugin(new AbstractMarkwonPlugin() {
            public void configureConfiguration(@NonNull MarkwonConfiguration.Builder builder) {
                builder.syntaxHighlight(new SyntaxHighlightNoOp());


Use syntax-highlight to add syntax highlighting to your application


React to a link click event. By default LinkResolverDef is used, which tries to start an Activity given the link argument. If no Activity can handle link LinkResolverDef silently ignores click event

final Markwon markwon = Markwon.builder(this)
        .usePlugin(new AbstractMarkwonPlugin() {
            public void configureConfiguration(@NonNull MarkwonConfiguration.Builder builder) {
                builder.linkResolver(new LinkResolver() {
                    public void resolve(@NonNull View view, @NonNull String link) {
                        // react to link click here


Please note that Markwon will apply LinkMovementMethod to a resulting TextView if there is none registered. if you wish to register own instance of a MovementMethod apply it directly to a TextView or use MovementMethodPlugin


Process destinations (URLs) of images in your markdown. If not provided explicitly, default no-op implementation will be used, which does not modify URLs (keeping them as-is).

Markwon provides 2 implementations of UrlProcessor:

  • ImageDestinationProcessorRelativeToAbsolute
  • ImageDestinationProcessorAssets


ImageDestinationProcessorRelativeToAbsolute can be used to make relative URL absolute. For example if an image is defined like this: ![img](./art/image.JPG) and ImageDestinationProcessorRelativeToAbsolute is created with as the base: new ImageDestinationProcessorRelativeToAbsolute(""), then final image will have as the destination.


ImageDestinationProcessorAssets can be used to make processed destinations to point to Android assets folder. So an image: ![img](./art/image.JPG) will have file:///android_asset/art/image.JPG as the destination.


Please note that ImageDestinationProcessorAssets will process only URLs that have no scheme information, so a ./art/image.png will become file:///android_asset/art/image.JPG whilst will be kept as-is.


ImageSizeResolver controls the size of an image to be displayed.

final Markwon markwon = Markwon.builder(this)
        .usePlugin(new AbstractMarkwonPlugin() {
            public void configureConfiguration(@NonNull MarkwonConfiguration.Builder builder) {
                builder.imageSizeResolver(new ImageSizeResolver() {
                    public Rect resolveImageSize(@NonNull AsyncDrawable drawable) {
                        final ImageSize imageSize = drawable.getImageSize();
                        return drawable.getResult().getBounds();

If not provided explicitly, default ImageSizeResolverDef implementation will be used. It handles 3 dimension units:

  • % (percent, relative to Canvas width)
  • em (relative to text size)
  • px (absolute size, every dimension that is not % or em is considered to be absolute)
<img width="100%">
<img width="2em" height="10px">
<img style="{width: 100%; height: 8em;}">

ImageSizeResolverDef keeps the ratio of original image if one of the dimensions is missing.


There is no support for % units for height dimension. This is due to the fact that height of an TextView in which markdown is displayed is non-stable and changes with time (for example when image is loaded and applied to a TextView it will increase TextView's height), so we will have no point-of-reference from which to calculate image height.


ImageSizeResolverDef also takes care for an image to not exceed canvas width. If an image has greater width than a TextView Canvas, then image will be scaled-down to fit the canvas. Please note that this rule applies only if image has no sizes specified (ImageSize == null).

Last Updated: 5/12/2020, 1:33:59 PM