LaTeX extension


This is an extension that will help you display LaTeX content in your markdown. Since 4.3.0 supports both blocks and inlines markdown structures (blocks only before 4.3.0).


Start a line with 2 (or more) $ symbols followed by a new line:

\\text{A long division \\longdiv{12345}{13}

LaTeX block content will be considered ended when a starting sequence of $ is found on a new line. If block was started with $$$ it must be ended with $$$ symbols.


Exactly $$ before and after inline LaTeX content:

$$\\text{A long division \\longdiv{12345}{13}$$


By default inline nodes are disabled and must be enabled explicitly:

final Markwon markwon = Markwon.builder(this)
        // required plugin to support inline parsing
        .usePlugin(JLatexMathPlugin.create(textView.getTextSize(), new JLatexMathPlugin.BuilderConfigure() {
            public void configureBuilder(@NonNull JLatexMathPlugin.Builder builder) {
                // ENABLE inlines

Please note that usage of inline nodes require MarkwonInlineParserPlugin

This extension uses jlatexmath-android artifact to create LaTeX drawable.


// create default instance of plugin and use specified text size for both blocks and inlines

// create default instance of plugin and use specified text sizes
JLatexMathPlugin.create(inlineTextSize, blockTextSize);

JLatexMathPlugin.create(textView.getTextSize(), new JLatexMathPlugin.BuilderConfigure() {
    public void configureBuilder(@NonNull JLatexMathPlugin.Builder builder) {
        // enable inlines (require `MarkwonInlineParserPlugin`), by default `false`
        // use pre-4.3.0 LaTeX block parsing (by default `false`)
        // by default true
        // @since 4.3.0
        builder.errorHandler(new JLatexMathPlugin.ErrorHandler() {
            public Drawable handleError(@NonNull String latex, @NonNull Throwable error) {
                // Receive error and optionally return drawable to be displayed instead
                return null;
        // executor on which parsing of LaTeX is done (by default `Executors.newCachedThreadPool()`)


JLatexMathPlugin.create(textView.getTextSize(), new JLatexMathPlugin.BuilderConfigure() {
    public void configureBuilder(@NonNull JLatexMathPlugin.Builder builder) {

        // background provider for both inlines and blocks
        //  or more specific: `inlineBackgroundProvider` & `blockBackgroundProvider`
        builder.theme().backgroundProvider(new JLatexMathTheme.BackgroundProvider() {
            public Drawable provide() {
                return new ColorDrawable(0xFFff0000);

        // should block fit the whole canvas width, by default true

        // horizontal alignment for block, by default ALIGN_CENTER 

        // padding for both inlines and blocks
        // padding for inlines
        builder.theme().inlinePadding(JLatexMathTheme.Padding.symmetric(16, 8));
        // padding for blocks
        builder.theme().blockPadding(new JLatexMathTheme.Padding(0, 1, 2, 3));
        // text color of LaTeX content for both inlines and blocks
        //  or more specific: `inlineTextColor` & `blockTextColor`


Sometimes it is enough to use rendered to an image LaTeX formula and inline it directly in your markdown document. For this markdown references can be useful. For example:

<!-- your mardown -->
![markdown-reference] of a solution...

<!-- then reference prerendered and converted to base64 SVG/PNG/GIF/etc -->
[markdown-reference]: 

For this to work an image loader that supports data uri and base64 must be used. Default Markwon image-loader supports it out of box (including SVG support)

Last Updated: 3/9/2020, 5:46:50 PM