

This is documentation for legacy versions. For the most current version click here.

Starting with 3.0.0 Markwon comes with ImagesPlugin which supports http(s), file and data schemes and default media decoder (for simple images, no SVG or GIF which are defined in standalone modules).


ImagePlugin takes care of obtaining image resource, decoding it and displaying it in a TextView.


Although core artifact contains ImagesPlugin one must still explicitly register the ImagesPlugin on resulting Markwon instance.

final Markwon markwon = Markwon.builder(context)

There are 2 factory methods to obtain ImagesPlugin:

  • ImagesPlugin#create(Context)
  • ImagesPlugin#createWithAssets(Context)

The first one #create(Context) configures:

  • FileSchemeHandler that allows obtaining images from file:// uris
  • DataUriSchemeHandler that allows inlining images with data: scheme ()
  • NetworkSchemeHandler that allows obtaining images from http:// and https:// uris (internally it uses HttpURLConnection)
  • ImageMediaDecoder which tries to decode all encountered images as regular ones (png, jpg, etc)

The second one #createWithAssets(Context) does the same but also adds support for images that reside in assets folder of your application and referenced by file:///android_asset/{path} uri.

ImagesPlugin also prepares a TextView to display images. Due to asynchronous nature of image loading, there must be a way to invalidate resulting Spanned content after an image is loaded.


Images come with few limitations. For of all, they work with a TextView only. This is due to the fact that there is no way to invalidate a Spanned content by itself (without context in which it is displayed). So, if Markwon is used, for example, to display a Toast with an image:

final Spanned spanned = markwon.toMarkdown("Hello ![alt](https://my.image/1.JPG)");
Toast.makeText(context, spanned, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

Image probably won't be displayed. As a workaround for Toast a custom View can be used:

final Spanned spanned = markwon.toMarkdown("Hello ![alt](https://my.image/1.JPG)");

final View view = createToastView();
final TextView textView = view.findViewById(;
markwon.setParsedMarkdown(textView, spanned);

final Toast toast = new Toast(context);
// other Toast configurations;


To add support for different schemes (or customize provided) a SchemeHandler must be used.

final Markwon markwon = Markwon.builder(context)
        .usePlugin(new AbstractMarkwonPlugin() {
            public void configureImages(@NonNull AsyncDrawableLoader.Builder builder) {
                // example only, Markwon doesn't come with a ftp scheme handler
                builder.addSchemeHandler("ftp", new FtpSchemeHandler());

It's a class to convert an URI into an InputStream:

public abstract class SchemeHandler {

    public abstract ImageItem handle(@NonNull String raw, @NonNull Uri uri);

ImageItem is a holder class for resulting InputStream and (optional) content type:

public class ImageItem {

    private final String contentType;
    private final InputStream inputStream;

    /* rest omitted */

Based on contentType returned a corresponding MediaDecoder will be matched. If no MediaDecoder can handle given contentType then a default media decoder will be used.


By default core artifact comes with default image decoder only. It's called ImageMediaDecoder and it can decode all the formats that BitmapFactory#decodeStream(InputStream) can.

final Markwon markwon = Markwon.builder(this)
        .usePlugin(new AbstractMarkwonPlugin() {
            public void configureImages(@NonNull AsyncDrawableLoader.Builder builder) {
                builder.addMediaDecoder("text/plain", new TextPlainMediaDecoder());

MediaDecoder is a class to turn InputStream into a Drawable:

public abstract class MediaDecoder {

    public abstract Drawable decode(@NonNull InputStream inputStream);


If you want to display GIF or SVG images also, you can use image-gif and image-svg modules.


If you are using html you do not have to additionally setup images displayed via <img> tag, as HtmlPlugin automatically uses configured image loader. But images referenced in HTML come with additional support for sizes, which is not supported natively by markdown, allowing absolute or relative sizes:

<img src="./assets/my-image" width="100%">

Placeholder drawable 3.0.0

It's possible to provide a custom placeholder for an image (whilst it's loading).

final Markwon markwon = Markwon.builder(context)
        .usePlugin(new AbstractMarkwonPlugin() {
            public void configureImages(@NonNull AsyncDrawableLoader.Builder builder) {
                builder.placeholderDrawableProvider(new AsyncDrawableLoader.DrawableProvider() {
                    public Drawable provide() {
                        // your custom placeholder drawable
                        return new PlaceholderDrawable();

Error drawable 3.0.0

To fallback in case of error whilst loading an image, an error drawable can be used:

final Markwon markwon = Markwon.builder(context)
        .usePlugin(new AbstractMarkwonPlugin() {
            public void configureImages(@NonNull AsyncDrawableLoader.Builder builder) {
                builder.errorDrawableProvider(new AsyncDrawableLoader.DrawableProvider() {
                    public Drawable provide() {
                        // your custom error drawable
                        return new MyErrorDrawable();


Before 3.0.0 AsyncDrawableLoader accepted a simple Drawable as error drawable argument. Starting 3.0.0 it accepts a DrawableProvider instead.

Last Updated: 8/6/2019, 4:27:20 PM