Getting started


This is documentation for legacy versions. For the most current version click here.


Please follow installation instructions to learn how to add Markwon to your project

Quick one

This is the most simple way to set markdown to a TextView or any of its siblings:

// obtain an instance of Markwon
final Markwon markwon = Markwon.create(context);

// set markdown
markwon.setMarkdown(textView, "**Hello there!**");

The most simple way to obtain markdown to be applied somewhere else:

// obtain an instance of Markwon
final Markwon markwon = Markwon.create(context);

// parse markdown and create styled text
final Spanned markdown = markwon.toMarkdown("**Hello there!**");

// use it
Toast.makeText(context, markdown, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

3.x.x migration

Starting with 3.0.0 version Markwon no longer relies on static utility methods. To learn more about migrating existing applications refer to migration section.

Longer one

With explicit parse and render methods:

// obtain an instance of Markwon
final Markwon markwon = Markwon.create(context);

// parse markdown to commonmark-java Node
final Node node = markwon.parse("Are **you** still there?");

// create styled text from parsed Node
final Spanned markdown = markwon.render(node);

// use it on a TextView
markwon.setParsedMarkdown(textView, markdown);

// or a Toast
Toast.makeText(context, markdown, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

No magic one

This section is kept due to historical reasons. Starting with version 3.0.0 the amount of magic is reduced. To leverage your Markwon usage a concept of Plugin is introduced which helps to extend default behavior in a simple and no-breaking-the-flow manner. Head to the next section to know more.

Last Updated: 8/6/2019, 7:27:20 PM