

This is documentation for legacy versions. For the most current version click here.

markwon markwon-image-loader markwon-syntax-highlight markwon-view

In order to start using Markwon add this to your dependencies block in your projects build.gradle:

implementation "ru.noties:markwon:${markwonVersion}"

This is core artifact that is sufficient to start displaying markdown in your Android applications.

Markwon comes with more artifacts that cover additional functionality, but they are not required to be used, as most of them provide implementations for functionality that is interfaced in the core artifact

implementation "ru.noties:markwon-image-loader:${markwonVersion}"
implementation "ru.noties:markwon-syntax-highlight:${markwonVersion}"
implementation "ru.noties:markwon-view:${markwonVersion}"

These artifacts share the same version as the core artifact

Image loader

implementation "ru.noties:markwon-image-loader:${markwonVersion}"

Provides implementation of AsyncDrawable.Loader and comes with support for:

  • SVG
  • GIF
  • Other image formats

Please refer to documentation for image loader module

Syntax highlight

implementation "ru.noties:markwon-syntax-highlight:${markwonVersion}"

Provides implementation of SyntaxHighlight and allows various syntax highlighting in your markdown based Android applications. Comes with 2 ready-to-be-used themes: light and dark. Please refer to documentation for syntax highlight module


implementation "ru.noties:markwon-view:${markwonVersion}"

Provides 2 widgets to display markdown: MarkwonView and MarkwonViewCompat (subclasses of TextView and AppCompatTextView respectively). Please refer to documentation for view module


When using markwon-image-loader artifact and Proguard is enabled, add these rules to your proguard configuration:

-dontwarn okhttp3.**
-dontwarn okio.**

-keep class com.caverock.androidsvg.** { *; }
-dontwarn com.caverock.androidsvg.**

They come from dependencies that markwon-image-loader is using.

Other artifacts

Other artifacts do not require special Proguard rules



In order to use latest SNAPSHOT version add snapshot repository to your root project's build.gradle file:

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

and then in your module build.gradle:

implementation "ru.noties:markwon:${markwonSnapshotVersion}"

Please note that markwon-image-loader, markwon-syntax-highlight and markwon-view are also present in SNAPSHOT repository and share the same version as main markwon artifact.

Last Updated: 6/17/2019, 2:08:33 PM