

This is documentation for legacy versions. For the most current version click here.

SpannableConfiguration is the core component that controls how markdown is parsed and rendered. It can be obtained via factory methods:

// creates default implementation
final SpannableConfiguration configuration = SpannableConfiguration.create(context);
// creates configurablable instance via `#builder` method
final SpannableConfiguration configuration = SpannableConfiguration.builder(context)


If #builder factory method is used, you do not need to specify default values as they will be applied automatically


If you plan on using images inside your markdown/HTML, you will have to explicitly register an implementation of AsyncDrawable.Loader via #asyncDrawableLoader builder method. Markwon comes with ready implementation for that and it can be found in markwon-image-loader module. Refer to module documentation


SpannableTheme controls how markdown is rendered. It has pretty extensive number of options that can be found here


If SpannableTheme is not provided explicitly, SpannableTheme.create(context) will be used


Async loader

AsyncDrawable.Loader handles images in your markdown and HTML


If AsyncDrawable.Loader is not provided explicitly, default no-op implementation will be used.


There are no restrictions on what implementation to use, but Markwon has artifact that can answer the most common needs of displaying SVG, GIF and other image formats. It can be found here

Size resolver 1.0.1

ImageSizeResolver controls the size of an image to be displayed. Currently it handles only HTML images (specified via img tag).


If not provided explicitly, default ImageSizeResolverDef implementation will be used. It handles 3 dimention units:

  • % (percent)
  • em (relative to text size)
  • px (absolute size, every dimention that is not % or em is considered to be absolute)
<img width="100%">
<img width="2em" height="10px">
<img style="{width: 100%; height: 8em;}">

ImageSizeResolverDef keeps the ratio of original image if one of the dimentions is missing.


There is no support for % units for height dimention. This is due to the fact that height of an TextView in which markdown is displayed is non-stable and changes with time (for example when image is loaded and applied to a TextView it will increase TextView's height), so we will have no point-of-refence from which to calculate image height.

Syntax highlight

SyntaxHighlight controls the syntax highlight for code blocks (in markdown).


If not provided explicitly, default no-op implementation will be used.

Syntax highlight

Although SyntaxHighlight interface was included with the very first version of Markwon there were no ready-to-use implementations. But starting with 1.1.0 Markwon provides one. It can be found in markwon-syntax-highlight artifact. Refer to module documentation

LinkSpan.Resolver is triggered when a link is clicked in markdown/HTML.


If not provided explicitly, default LinkResolverDef implementation will be used. Underneath it constructs an Intent and tries to start an Activity associated with it. It no Activity is found, it will silently fail (no runtime exceptions)

URL processor

UrlProcessor is used to process found URLs in markdown/HTML.


If not provided explicitly, default no-op implementation will be used.

Markwon provides 2 implementations of UrlProcessor:

  • UrlProcessorRelativeToAbsolute
  • UrlProcessorAndroidAssets


UrlProcessorRelativeToAbsolute can be used to make relative URL absolute. For example if an image is defined like this: ![img](./art/image.JPG) and UrlProcessorRelativeToAbsolute is created with as the base: new UrlProcessorRelativeToAbsolute(""), then final image will have as the destination.


UrlProcessorAndroidAssets can be used to make processed links to point to Android assets folder. So an image: ![img](./art/image.JPG) will have file:///android_asset/art/image.JPG as the destination

Factory 1.1.0

SpannableFactory is used to control what span implementations to be used


If not provided explicitly, default SpannableFactoryDef implementation will be used. It is documented in this section

Soft line break 1.1.1

softBreakAddsNewLine option controls how soft breaks are treated in the final result. If true -> soft break will add a new line, else it will add a (space) char.


If not provided explicitly, default false value will be used.

Commonmark specification

HTML 2.0.0


MarkwonHtmlParser is used to parse HTML content


if not provided explicitly, default MarkwonHtmlParserImpl will be used if it can be found in classpath, otherwise default no-op implementation wiil be used. Refer to HTML document for more information about this behavior.


MarkwonHtmlRenderer controls how parsed HTML content will be rendered.


If not provided explicitly, default MarkwonHtmlRenderer implementation will be used. It is documented here

HTML allow non-closed tags

htmlAllowNonClosedTags option is used to control whether or not to render non-closed HTML tags


If not provided explicitly, default value false will be used (non-closed tags won't be rendered).

Last Updated: 6/17/2019, 2:08:33 PM